With our products, we want to help you stay healthy, become healthy, or at least to better cope with handicaps. Therefore, Trendglas JENA offers several items in its product range that are specially designed to meet this requirement. It can be held more securely by two ears and easier to handle, and it's made of heat-resistant glass. Naturally, it is microwave-, dishwasher-, and stove-safe. - Trendglas
Product code: 210625
Volume in liter: 0.25
SU: IV 1
SU/pallet: 280
Size (H/W/D) in mm: 75/130/82
Material: heat resistant glass
Product code: 211004
Volume in liter: 0,4
SU: G1
SU/pallet: 266
Size (H/W/D) in mm: 102/150/82
Material: heat resistant glass
SU: IV 1
Material: heat resistant glass